Public Employees Social Security Administration invites qualified applicants for the following jobs.
The Public Employees Social Security Administration is a federal government administration established by Council of Ministers Regulation No. 203/2003. The administration was established with the aim of expanding and strengthening the social security programs of government employees. The administration’s main mission is to register and issue pensions, collect pension contributions, determine pensions and pay, and administer pensions.
Accordingly, in accordance with Article 90, Sub-Article 1 of the Constitution, it shall play its role in ensuring the social security of its citizens to the best of its ability.
Public Employees Social Security Administration New Job Vacancies:
Professions: Accounting, Banking, Business administration, Business management, Economics, Public finance management, Insurance, Development economics, Management, Auditing, Public administration and other related fields of study.
Please see the below images for Public Employees Social Security Administration Vacancy 2024.
Deadline: July 6, 2024
How to Apply:
Interested applicants are invited to submit their non returnable application, CV and copies of relevant credentials to Public Employees Social Security Administration human resource office Megenagna around bole sub city building.