Jobs by Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations

Background: The Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA) is a non-partisan, non-governmental network organization established in 2003, and currently NEWA has 38-member local organizations and associations seeking to create a stronger advocacy voice for women’s advancement. NEWA has a twofold goal: synchronizing the individual activities of women’s associations into an integrated collective effort and synergy to realize their common aspirations for gender equality; and launching a vigorous public campaign of promotion, advocacy, and lobbying for women’s rights.

NEWA with financial support from the Spanish Development Cooperation to implement and lead a new project, namely ‘Strengthen the participation and leadership of women’s rights organizations in response to sexual and gender-based violence’. The project scope is purely focused on Strengthening the SGBV response through building the capacities of Women right organizations and the project will be implemented at the National level and regional levels in Addis Ababa, Oromia, and Somalia. So, to enhance the SGB Prevention and Response through the contribution of this project, NEWA will work in collaboration with member associations, and other women’s structures as a major stakeholder and strategy. This approach also contributes to the ongoing national advocacy on SGBV. About this, NEWA would like to hire a national consulting company that provides a three-day Communication and Leadership training for Women’s Rights organization Executive directors and program directors. The training program aims to equip WRO Executive Directors (EDs) and Program Directors (PDs) with the necessary communication and leadership skills to advocate for and respond to/implement effective GBV interventions in the Ethiopian context. Moreover, leadership and communication training can help leaders think more clearly and express ideas more effectively to various audiences. Our proven content in leadership communication training has helped managers handle and share information more effectively within the organization, as well as with customers and other stakeholders.

1.Communication and Leadership Training

About You


Bidders must have a renewed trade/business certificate for the year 2016 E.C (2023/24G.C), VAT, TIN, and the renewed professional license certificate.

Annex: TOR

Required Skills

  • Critical thinking

How To Apply

Interested consulting firms can get the full TOR document from Ethio-jobs posted along with EoI.
•    Interested applicants are expected to submit both technical and financial proposals in separate sealed envelopes. 
•    Qualified women or firms with qualified women are encouraged to apply. 
•    All applicants are required to submit their expression of interest (EOI), in hard copies or soft copies of both financial and technical proposals and relevant documents including renewed certificates and sample previous related work within five [5] days in person or through email the following address:
•    Duly completed bids must be in a sealed envelope addressed to NEWA marked by “Bidders Name, Address, Legal Stamps, and Signatures.” Bidders should submit their technical and financial documents in two sealed envelopes to the address below. 
•    The sealed bid document shall be submitted to the NEWA address mentioned above or Email addresses: by copied on or before Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at 5:00 PM. Bids arriving after this date and -time will not be considered.
AddressNETWORK OF ETHIOPIAN WOMEN’S ASSOCIATIONSPhone: +251 118 217757/58 or +251934128114P.O.Box 19375 Addis Ababa,Website: www.newaethiopia.orgBole Sub City, Woreda 5In front of Gibson Youth Academy 24 Campus, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia

2.Terms of Reference (TOR) For Trainer

To conduct Capacity Building Training on Advocacy Skills to Promote Women’s Rights to participate in political and public life including on TSMs and preventing VAWiE/P that will be provided for Women-led,

Women’s Rights, and Grass-root organizations

Training Background

The Network of Ethiopian Women Associations (NEWA) is a pioneer, national coalition of women associations that has been operating for the last two decades to realize gender equality and women empowerment in Ethiopia, by creating a synergy of efforts among women associations and structures. It was established in 2003 and reregistered with certificate number 1481. The network strives to ensure the interests of women are factored into the national plans and policies and to see women’s social, economic, political, and legal entitlements realized at all levels as enshrined in the national and international instruments.  Currently, NEWA has 37 member associations and organizations that endeavor to ensure the interests of Ethiopian women.

Equipped with the mission of promoting gender equality and enhancing the economic, social, political, and legal empowerment of women and girls in Ethiopia, by strengthening synergy among its constituents, enabling joint effort of all actors, and ensuring accountability towards the protection of women’s rights. NEWA has been undertaking various programs/projects in this regard due to its commitment to transform and sustain the efforts towards improving women’s lives and status in Ethiopia; and envisions seeing an Ethiopian society where gender equality is realized. To achieve these NEWA strategically focuses on strengthening the capacity of its member associations/ organizations and partners and thereby engaging them in advocacy works. To address the desires and demands of member organizations, Women-led and Women-Rights Organizations, NEWA is implementing a project entitled “Strengthening Political Leadership of Women Aspirants in Ethiopia” starting in December 2022 with the financial support of UN Women.

With the project, NEWA provided capacity-building training for various stakeholders including leaders of Women-Led and Women Rights organizations on Transformative leadership and Gender Equality. To deepen this a “Capacity Building Training on Advocacy Skills to Promote Women’s Rights to Participate in Political and Public Life including on TSMs and preventing VAWE/P for Women-led, Women’s Rights Organizations, CSOs working on human rights and Grass-root organizations” to see more powerful and energetic women leaders who can have a better understanding on advocacy to advocate the issues that affect the lives of women. Therefore, NEWA would like to recruit the consultant/s to provide two days of training for 60 women CSO leaders on Advocacy Skills in two rounds (30 people in each round).


  • Provide training on the concepts of Advocacy Skills and Advocacy Cycle for 60 women and men CSO leaders working in women’s rights and human rights in general (30 in each round) focused on women’s political participation and preventing VAWiE/P
  • Create a better understanding of women and men CSO leaders on advocacy for their future engagement

Trainer Scope of Work 

  • Under the Supervision and in close cooperation with the NEWA team and drawing inspiration from the UN Women’s Handbook on Evidence-Based Policy Advocacy, the trainer/expert will implement the following tasks:
  • Develop training methodology, activities, and training schedule, and submit to NEWA for review feedback, and approval.
  • Finalize training methodology and training schedule,
  • Develop training material or presentation of the training,
  • Organize two -day capacity building training for targets,
  • Design and conduct an evaluation of the training (pre and post-test evaluation),
  • Prepare and submit Post Training report.

Duration and place of the Training 

  • The training will be provided for two days in two rounds in Adama town.
  •  The 1st round is from August 6 to 7 and the 2nd round will be from August 9 to 10, 2024 (Tentative).

Participants of the training

  • The training participants will be 60 women CSO leaders in two rounds drawn from Women-Led and Women’s Rights Organizations and partners of NEWA.


  • The methodology should be more participatory, interactive, and based on agreed training materials and tools,
  • It is expected to include a presentation and individual and group discussions.
  • Practical exercise on the Advocacy Cycle


  • A detailed workplan and roadmap for the development of training including training strategy (inception report),
  • Training materials: key training materials in English and or Amharic for the trainers/ facilitators including PowerPoint presentations, assignments, handouts, etc.
  • Successful delivery two-days capacity building Training,
  • Final report after the completion of the two days training.

Application Procedure:

  • The Technical Proposal must be submitted in English, should be limited to eight to twelve (8-12) pages, and must contain the following:
  • A capacity statement describing how the consultant meets the required qualifications and competencies including a summary of similar pieces of training previously conducted,
  • An expression of interest detailing your understanding of consultancy assignment,
  • Description of methodology and tools that will be used for the training,
  • Include a timeline of activities and the level of effort required for each activity with specific dates which include a timeline to produce and share draft training materials and timetable that will be required for the two days of training, team composition, and roles, including key members list with core qualifications and their role in training (Attach the CVs of these key team members who will involve in the training),
  • Required budget for the two days of training (take into account the training will be given in two rounds),
  • Reference letters of previous relevant experience working with women, women-led, and Women’s Rights Organizations,
  • The consultant must submit both technical and detailed financial proposals in a separate envelope indicating the type of proposal in the subject line or a separately sealed hard copy,

About You

  • The Consultant/Trainer must be:
  • a Senior Expert in leading and undertaking training, particularly on women CSO leaders, women’s rights including political participation, and VAWiE/P,
  • Practical training experience in advocacy and having a TOT certificate on Advocacy is mandatory,
  • The Lead consultant should hold a minimum of a Master’s degree in Law and Legal Studies, political science, social work, Gender studies, or related subjects and practical knowledge in the Ethiopian political arena.


Qualifications must include:

  • A minimum of 5+ years in providing pieces of training including Advocacy,
  • Experience in working with women and their networks,
  • Experience in developing participatory training tools,
  • Proven ability to work with women-led and Women’s Rights Organizations,
  • Excellent English writing skills are required among the consultant teams,
  • Experience in producing the post-training report,
  • Understanding of gender, power, and intersectionality, and the practical application of this to women’s lived realities.

Required Skills

  • Oral and written communication
  • Attention to detail

How To Apply

Qualified applicants are invited to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI), 


to NEWA on or before Friday, 26 July 2024.  Your document should be submitted to the Network of Ethiopia Women’s Associations (NEWA)




 Or physical address is in front of Gibson Academy, Kebele 24,

3.Administrative officer

Functional Summary:

Administrative services managers coordinate and direct the many support services that allow organizations to operate efficiently. Oversee telecommunications management, security, parking, and power consumption. manages and coordinates of employees engaged in administrative service such as security, maintenance, mail and messenger services, and support services. Administrative office of NEWA is expected to provide administrative support towards general office management, personnel administration, and information management.

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Provide general office coordination
  • Maintain the rental accounts for the program, update tenancy agreements and facilitate payment
  • Maintain up to date insurance for all the office assets and other related offices
  • Maintenance and ensure timely settlement of utility bills for the  office and other related offices
  • coordinate the process of sourcing, purchasing and supplying goods
  • Coordinate all support services including messenger, purchasing and motor transport logistics
  •  Monitor all necessary files regarding general office administration
  • Review the policies, rules and regulations regularly for effective functioning of the administration
  • Provide secretarial support throughout the recruitment process including, preparation of job adverts, circulation of job advertisements, receiving applications, communication to candidates as well as recruitment panels out the recruitment process
  • Monitor staff contracts and initiate review of contract through necessary communication to supervisors
  • prepare contract renewals as per instruction
  • process and monitor short term contracts as well as consultancies
  • Facilitate staff performance appraisal
  • Process leave requests and ensure appropriate leave authorization
  • Maintain accurate records on staff leave
  • Administer staff insurances, medical scheme and PF benefits
  • Ensure over all effective security of the organization and it’s resources
  • Review the polices on over all security of the organization as and when required
  • Ensure effective functioning of motor transport section through effective maintenance of vehicles, proper maintenance of records on duties and consumption of fuels, oils and iubricants.
  • Ensure optimization in usage of transport and effective and reliable services
  • Plan and process the cases for requirement of resources for the section


  • Supervision: works independently in routine tasks with the direction of manager-finance and administration.
  • Decision Making:  makes relatively significant decisions regarding work responsibilities and is accountable for them.
  • Responsibility over data or information: high responsibility on timely dissemination and security
  • Responsibility over assets: computer, printer, fax machine, office furniture, inventory office equipment, furniture and stationery, staff files and data security and maintenance
  • Responsibility over staff: drivers, store keeper, cleaners and messenger

Department: Finance and Administration

Report to: Manager, finance and Administration

About You


           Required                   Minimal            Desirable 
  • Diploma in management related field
BA in management related field


  • Working experience in office management
  • Knowledge of modern office procedures
  • Knowledge and exposure to personnel management
  • Good organization and coordination skills
  • Ability to operate modern office equipment
Length of Experience At least 4 years 2 years
Key skills
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Good interpersonal and people management skills
  • Attention to details & highly confidential
Personal Attributes Mature, reliable, dynamic

Required Skills

  • Communication

How To Apply

Interested applicants can submit their CV and Cover letter on

4.Project officer

Function summary
The Project Officer of NEWA is responsible to contribute in the effective and efficient implementation of the program and projects. She/He will assist and provide in all the activities related to the project under the supervision of program Coordinator and also will manage a project as appropriate.


Supervision: works independently and in collaboration with other officers in project reporting on regular basis.

Responsibility over data or information: Relevant data and material maintenance and security.

Responsibility over Assets; All Assigned office Equipment, their Maintenance & security.

Department: Program

Report to: Program Coordinator 

About You


Required Minimal Desirable
Professional/qualifications Bachelor’s degree in the field of social science (Gender Development, Sociology and Anthropology) Master’s degree in the field of social science (Gender Development, Sociology & Anthropology/Development Management/Economics and other relevant disciplines)
Relevant Experience Experience in project design, Implementation and follow up
Length of Experience At Least 3 years At Least 2 Year
Key skills Good interpersonal and communication skills, Writing, critical thinking skills.
Personal Attributes Good working relationship, team worker and commitment

Required Skills

  • Oral and written communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Team work

How To Apply

Interested applicants can submit their CV and Cover letter on Email.

5.Senior Accountant


The Senior Accountant Performs assigned accounting function requiring in depth knowledge of organization’s financial systems. The Senior Accountant is responsible for various aspect of financial accounting and monthly payroll processing. The Senior Accountant also analyzes, verifies and prepares transaction for the general ledger and other records.

Duties & Responsibilities: 

  • Post all financial data daily and prepare bank reconciliation
  • Assist in preparation of budgets and reports to Manager-Finance and Administration
  •  Support towards budget implementation and monitoring
  • Reconcile all control and balance sheet accounts under own management and clear all Reconciling items periodically.
  • Reconcile Suppliers statements against ledger statements monthly
  • Produce periodic financial reports
  • based on the requirement of donors reports and the computerized records.
  • Produce monthly report to Finance and Admin manager
  • Ensure proper books of accounts are maintained and kept up to date within NEWA policy guidelines
  • Prepare donor report as required by donor project contracts
  • prepare Year End financial statements, arrange and ensure timely completion of external audits
  • Guide, supervise and monitor the daily functioning of accountant & cashier
  • Any other duties as assigned by the supervisor


Supervision:  Work independently in routine tasks under the general direction of the

Finance & administration Manager

Decision Making: Makes relatively significant decisions with regards to work responsibilities

and is accountable for them

Responsibility over data information: Has access important and highly confidential information

Relating to the network

Responsibility over assets: Monitors and ensures safety and maintenance of office equipment

Responsibility over staff: Guides and supervises work of junior accounts officer and cashier

Department: Finance and Administration

Reports To: Manager-Finance and Administration

Job Code 302

About You


Required  Minimal Desirable


Bachelor’s degree in accounting/finance Master’s degree in the field of Accounting/Finance
Relevant Experience Computer Literate, Peachtree Accounting
Length of Experience At least 5 years NGO related At least 3 years in Accounting and Financial Management of NGOs
Key skills Good accounting skills

Good numerical skills

Detail oriented

Personal Attributes Good interpersonal skills

Required Skills

  • Communication
  • Accounting

How To Apply

Interested applicants can submit their CV and Cover letter on

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